Anonymous 09/26/2022 (Mon) 01:07 No.32118 del
The top streamers are all clearly garbage people, it's been obvious forever. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the guys from OTK have sexually assaulted someone they all look and behave massively creepily.
It's even evident in the complete overreaction and projection from Asmongold who said he "fucking hates" Crazyslick and wants him "to fucking die in real life I'm not joking" on stream. Over something he really has no part in and no knowledge of either way. Just casually calling for someone to die. Though you dont really need more info on what Asmongolds soul looks like, just look at his room

The only part that looks bullshit to me, is the line where Emiru gaslights bonbi into doing this stream to walk back her statements. It's not impossible but I also doubt it