Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 22:44 No.37481 del
2023.02.23 - my tummy hurt
OOC, no wig, blue eyes.
Stream starts 20:19

20:21 Feels bad. Her tummy hurts
20:24 Want to dye hair. Doesn't know what color
20:26 Tissues up nose
20:28 Gonna spin a wheel - Auburn. Teal. Stay Blond
20:29 Coughed so much she threw up over the porch
20:30 When her hair get longer she will dye it rainbow
20:38 - 21:03 Opens squishies. First two of ~5 packages are in. Baguette pen, smells like bread. Avocados. Pound cake. Peach. Lemon. Mellon. Pineapple. Strawberry (calls it an apple). Banana. Pink Avocado. Cat. Strawberry Cheese Cake.Dog x 3. Book / Kit (she thought it was a shuishy). Kitty x 2. Hot dag (with an actual dog). Taco Kitty. Donut. Hello Kitty Bread (with butthole). Kitty Pizza. Boule-de-fromage loaf. Slice of Strawberry cake. Hello Kitty eclair (with bits falling off). Pain du Matin (loaf of bread). Baguette. Oyster (looks kinda gross)
21:05 Painting kit squishy - Troll Face.
21:15 Shows troll face
21:19 Says she is no good a relationship advice 'I am so lonely'
21:24 Heard someone shat in the gazebo at Katsucon. Twice.
21:26 Anti British stuff. Upset to be told Zureeal is British.
21:32 Shows picture as Link.

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