Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 20:25 No.46854 del
Can confirm the whole stream was only 16 mins, of which the first 4 mins was her intro screen. It really was just Bon apologising for not posting and blaming it on a stalker she could not name (despite having already named him) because he is obsessed and would be watching. tbh after years of following her something about it didn't ring true or at least not entirely.

>So drama alert: Her new Mod Lyra banned Mango and all her current mods got unmodded. Are we seeing Winters 2.0 all over again?
Can I ask where you got this and are you sure it is true? At least one of her mods was in chat, ironically the one this I think posts elsewhere how she is disgusting now and just belches and farts all stream and has been absent for over 6 mnonths. In addition she didn't mention anything about it on stream and if she really thinks she is being stalked it would be doubly dumb to just randomly drop her mods.