Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 11:36 No.47348 del
>They convinced her she'd become rich shaking her tits for money.
She quite easily could have, but we all know she can't stick to any schedule for more than a few weeks. That's what constantly fails her at pretty much everything.

>All for the small price of her dignity, her future and her mental health.
Even if she just kept doing normal patreon SFW sets, I think she still would have not figured out how to get out of her mental hole. She wasn't able to do that before OF either and absolutely NOTHING pointed to her being able to do that with her current and back-then mentality.

>a below average income
Unrealistic assumption, the other Anon is much more likely correct.

>And she is aging like milk
Her aging is not what keeps her from earning more, but her inability to actually keep doing anything she starts.