Anonymous 01/19/2020 (Sun) 23:31:50 No.5726 del
No, I mean her content is almost objectively worse recently.
Academy D.Va was literally her in discord while recording videos in between games. The Christmas cosplay was just another generic lolita idol. The Rose remake felt very lackluster compared to the original. I also didn't like Cheerleader Froppy, but that might be up to taste. I could go on through the last couple of months, but you get the point.
I never said that "everything she makes is shit now". I even said that I liked the Ghost Deku cosplay a lot for example, it's just that those cosplays are now in the minority. Some of them just feel very low effort tbh.

Don't like Bonbi's new content? Must be pedophile. Solid logic you got there, chief.