Anonymous 02/18/2020 (Tue) 18:32:06 No.6408 del
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It's true he's wanted to rape her and has been begging to meet since she was 15, but it wouldn't make it moral or legal even if she hits 17. It's one of the most common, if not main, grooming goal and tactic and why the term exists. You groom a kid (and try to hide it) and then suddenly "date" out of the blue when they hit the AoC and its no longer stat. rape.

Onision, another predator nonce like Anon, is being ripped apart right now not just for stuff he did with underage kids while he was a grown man but also for him doing stuff AFTER they hit AoC but had manipulated them before they were "legal". The backlash against him is just as bad, if not worse, for that stuff by the internet cause it seems way more manipulative and premeditated than vanilla noncing with underage kids. Onision even tried meeting kids in US states with the lowest AoC laws to bypass the law (hint: Doesn't work)

If Seth rapes bonbi or meets up and molests her (or has), its true he's ultra-giga fucked and looking at 3x the jail time for noncing. But despite that being a morbid "win" in taking down a predator nonce, it's also a horrendous thing for Bonbi. Regardless of feelings of her, she has a life ahead of her and when she's de-brainwashed and helped in therapy after all this, it's going to lead to a lot of shit for her. She's going to have to have the stigma of being groomed/falling for older men so easily follow her around the internet, going to have to have self-image issues about thinking she could be fooled so easily and let her whole social life fall apart cause of his isolation etc. She'll realize how much she lost due to him and how easily his obsession played her like a fiddle and it will be emotionally hard.

Reading on groomed kids and their recovery, it's a lot of this, but it can get better.