Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 12:34:24 No.9781 del
(2.05 MB 768x432 123.webm)
(5.93 MB 450x800 journey of bonbi.webm)
(5.98 MB 360x640 bombo.webm)
(5.63 MB 424x283 scheming.webm)
Not really. In short:

>Still in close contact with pedo
>Did a cosplay of Belle Delphine but deleted it all because she received some bad reception because she has a 'young audience'
>Took numerous breaks saying she's trying to find herself
>Did a cosplay on her old cosplays and absolutely butchered it (see webm related '123')
>Just recently posted a pic of herself at zoo (big oof)
>A lot of 'I'm an adult now'
>Also a lot of 'don't lewd me, I'm a child'

And the good news? Not really any bar the superb edits from here... You can be like some of the delusional people in here and ignore/forgive her antics and move on and cope by saying 'reee wait till we report seth to the FBI!'