Anonymous 07/26/2022 (Tue) 23:48:37 No.5868 del

A mobile morgue is seen on Tuesday afternoon being brought to the site of the shooting

Others confirmed that Ramos had stopped attending classes, and did not intend to take part in graduation this summer. Instead, he got a job at a local Wendy's restaurant.

A colleague there described Ramos has having an aggressive streak. She told the Daily Beast he walked around with a pair of boxing gloves at the park, asking people to fight him and filming it. He also menaced co-workers, asking one of the cooks: 'Do you know who I am?'

'He would be very rude towards the girls sometimes… and he would also send inappropriate texts to the ladies,' the former colleague said, asking for her name not to be used.

A teenage acquaintance of Ramos, who lives in Los Angeles and claims to barely know him, posted screenshots of messages he sent her early Tuesday after tagging her in a picture of his rifles. In them, he said he wanted to share a 'lil secret' and urged her to respond to him. The conversation ended before Ramos revealed his secret.

People waiting for news of their loved ones following a mass shooting in Texas embrace outside a civic center in the city

Two women weep as they embrace one-another following a mass shooting at a Texas school which killed at least 19 children

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