Anonymous 01/25/2020 (Sat) 21:14:59 No.620 del
Since we're on the topic of drama I can confirm he was driven out of his own forum. These were his parting words:

>"This is not a rage quit, this is just me leaving. Apparently some of the staff don't agree with conversations I post. Apparently more than 15 years of being an admin and I'm a very poor moderator. I always tried to look out for the future of this community. You can't ignore the hard issues at hand...they will be addressed or will consume you. I"ve always thought about starting a smaller board...if you would be interested please email me at To be honest zerophive, I didn't read your whole message- all I saw was poor moderator and decided I didn't need that crap. Until then, later."

Jesus Christ what a beta. The fact that he's playing victim and attempting to start yet another forum to rally up his pretend loyalists is just sad. Honestly if I were this guy I would just quit the internet at this point or at least to incognito.