sad bois Anonymous 10/08/2016 (Sat) 10:13:37 No. 27 del
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Endchan and chan culture in general is dead, save for the pathetic, maimed version of free speech with wide participation that exists on 4chan. Even Krautchan, which is of very slightly higher quality, is no real place for general interaction between people. It was but it is not now and I doubt it ever will again. So where can we go and what can I do? I am alone, I am sad and I want this kind of place where there is no expectation or censorship or any change and i can just moan or laugh with other people who who while being resilient in real life want an intellectual ballpark as opposed to the social media character fair. Every single doomed one of the English or German language spin - off chans have never enjoyed success or, pretty much anything beyond meagre discourse on fringe politics. They never will. And 4chan is doomed, as every day more people give up talking to weirdos online.