Anonymous 09/01/2019 (Sun) 23:18:58 No.127 del
Okay there is a de facto distinction being made between the foreigners that sojourn (no time limit given) and natives but if that foreigner being circumcised and observing all statutes is under same law and "shall be as one that is born in the land" then how is he separate? They're not ethnically Hebrews but they're to be treated the same.

They're not rejected as other heathen foreigners. They're not forbidden to marry and live among Israel. The article argues that God through scripture disapproves people of Israel to intermarry with different nations/ethnicities also because it's against racemixing and were it so there would be no privelege "as one born in the land" given to foreigners. It would be like 'ok respect our laws while you're here on your trade route or whatever and then bye bye'. Circumcision is a permanent sign of belonging to God in OT.