Anonymous 09/04/2019 (Wed) 14:24:33 No.139 del
>There are clearly people who think of anon image boards as a substitute for personal relationships,
The poor judgment of those people is not an inherent flaw in the imageboard, because imageboard use does not per se entail escapism.

>Is there such thing as an anonymous image board full of super happy positive fun time boards?
Yes, they're imageboards dedicated to a certain positive topic like cooking or oragami. An imageboard is nothing more than a platform.

>Like what controversial theological question?
Those are all good questions and exactly what I'm talking about. You would be ostracized in most churches for even asking the question of the morality of racemixing.
The interdenominational debate is also productive, it's only the responsibility of the reader to know what constitutes a cogent argument and what's fallacious.

>What are you talking about? I can post about how I'm fed up with LGBTBBQ culture in private Facebook groups all I want.
Facebook is the enemy, and you're naive.

>>There is a dystopia around us
>What are you talking about?

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