Anonymous 09/15/2019 (Sun) 05:06:49 No.201 del
You're not making intellectual error by thinking that it's just God despising ritual with wrong morality but there is insinuation here that ritual itself is worthless and in NT ritual isn't reiterated, moral conduct is.

>Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid.
Paul is meandering hard when he talks about Law, so I get where these misconceptions that Law is good and holy and great and whatnot comes from but again you keep to the letter and ignore what doesn't suit you (like love fulfilling the Law, the spirit of the Law not the letter). If Law is perfect does it have lordship over man only until death? Why it's important that we're being freed from it by our death in Christ as talked in Romans 7 you've quoted? Who's authority do you fall under when you fail to keep the Law which you cannot possibly keep in your human condition? It is a very difficult subject. It's hard to argue against the moral tenets of the Law, especially those in 10 commandments and it's not that morality is wrong but Law is a trap.