Anonymous 09/17/2019 (Tue) 17:08:44 No.226 del
>Hmm... It's like despite being fallen man he didn't need the Law after all.
Yet it was given to the Israelites. People that worshipped their Lord who brought them out of Egypt, yet didn't know what to do (hence the calf worship, and even that was after parts of the Ceremonial Law was already revealed to Moses).
So saying it was given to a fallen people isn't really the correct term here, but it was given to a people who constantly sinned, even when trying to display faith. This is why it wasn't given to Noah or Abraham right away, since they were righteous men. So what you say later isn't wrong:
<I disagree with what you've said. If it was for fallen man it would've been given to Adam right away and that's subtly different from what Paul writes about.
>1 Corinthians 15:56
Out of context. The Law is what executes upon us the judgement of God, because sins are transgressions of the Law by definition, as it's the commandment of God. Paul goes over this more clearly in Romans 7:7-9. So no, the Law isn't sin.
>It's what the Law is. It's what was written and what Jesus quoted before issuing corrections. Nothing what Jesus talked about in these corrections was within the Levitical Law. Addition is a form of correction and if you read further you also have removals and substitutions.
You don't understand. What the Pharisees did was literally interpret the law and enforce it, but keep it only to its word. As long as you don't execute such behaviours, then it's fine. This is what Jesus is correcting, the Pharisaic interpretation.
Since it's literal, you take this as Jesus correcting the Law, but you need to understand that this wasn't Law that the Israelites and the prophets had followed before. Keep in mind that "love thy neighbour" is literally a part of the Law (Leviticus 19:18)
<Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
>Are you saved or are you fallen? Your flesh may yet sin but you've died to flesh and you live in Christ through faith.
How have we "died to flesh"? We are still flesh, and we are still sinners, all of us.
>The Law is not a way for man to live. It is a basis for accusation
What nonsense. It is technically a basis for accusation, sure since people can accuse others for sin, but it IS a way to live. Just because Satan quotes from it as an accuser, doesn't mean that we shouldn't follow it. At this point, you might as well outright say that the Law is bad.
>Who in their right mind gets released out of a snare only to go back and get trapped again?

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