Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 14:20:02 No.232 del

So either:

a) You're finding a creative way to continue to dodge the question, especially in light of the fact that God's Word specifically commands us to become part of the Body of Christ (i.e. a Church/Congregation)


b) You're literally just LARPing as a supposed lone follower of Ceremonial Law, which I seriously doubt. Once again, you NEED to be part of community of believers. If what you saw is true, you are literally no better than a garden variety Neo LARPagan practicing their "faith" by themselves. Even original Paganism was contingent on being part of a community, and having Elders of some sort to enforce laws and ceremony.

You can't just practice Messianic Judaism by yourself and make up stuff as you see fit, as you go along.