Anonymous 09/19/2019 (Thu) 13:10:57 No.247 del
Sure, but what he was talking about was the Body of Christ, which isn't a single assembly.
And the assembly itself isn't a brick and mortar building. It's any instance of two or more gathering together.
>Where do such communities exist then? Is there such a community that enforces the fast of unleavened bread to the strictest letter, while following Christ, that you can point out?
Literally search up "Hebrew Roots congregation" and you'll get a plethora of results.
>The Apocrypha is collectively a historical, geographical, chronological and theological train wreck that dilutes the inerrant and infallible books of the Bible
I'm not saying that Apocrypha are divinely inspired or canonical, dummy. Of course they're not. However, they are important historically, and give heed to what the Israelites practiced, which is why I'm using it as an example.
>If you're the latter (which you are) you need a pastor and church assembly to guide you. Period.
Again, whether you're in Norway, Sweden, China, or Timbuktu, you're still a part of the Church Invisible. You don't need some fat "pastor" or assembly to tell you what to do.
>It wasn't given to people before the flood whose imaginations were constantly evil
Literally an entirely different example. They were incredibly evil people who weren't guided by God at all, and in the end they were all wiped out. The Israelites weren't like them at all.
Something people often don't take into account is that there was an entire gap between Cain's death (the last thing that God commanded) and Noah's life. In-between that was the entire Antediluvian period. Ancient Israel (where the Law was enforced) wasn't so, God always intervened, until after Malachi.
>All have sinned. All have come short. None is righteous, not even one. Justified is somewhat different than righteous.
Of course. However, there's a Biblical definition of "righteous" applied to justified people like Abraham, and that's what I use here.
>You've failed to explain how is it out of context

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