My Christianity Will Be Outlawed, To Force My People To Obey Me, My Son Anonymous 08/16/2024 (Fri) 01:46 No.478 del
My Christianity Will Be Outlawed, To Force My People To Obey Me, My Son

“My Church will go underground. The enemy will try to stamp it out, only resulting in driving it underground, in peoples’ houses. My Church will not be what it is presently, for I shall drive it underground to purify it, to test and try My servants and saints, for many are full of sin and wickedness and need to be cleaned out and purified. My son, all I do always works out for the redemption of My people, for their eventual salvation. That is what I came for and still do. Many resist Me, and refuse to do My will. Those I will punish in prison camps of man’s making. They will be tried and purified, but the stubborn ones among My people sent to Hell there. They will not make it—they resist Me. I Am very patient, but I have had enough of My peoples’ wickedness and disobedience. Many I want to send out into the mission fields of the world, but they resist Me to the Nth degree, having loved this present world of sin and will not go of their own accord. Those I will punish with the government outlawing Christianity. It will come, and My people will be sent to the camps for resisting Me all their lives. Some will survive incarceration as by coming through fire of man’s testing. Those I will use, My son. Many of My people will be executed by the sword because they are too stubborn to use. You see, I want to save the world, to use My people to spread My Gospel all over, but they just will not go. The world and its things has captured their attention, not Me, My son. Did I not say set your affection on things above, not on those things on the Earth? Why then do My people disobey Me? I said go out into all the world to spread My Gospel, but so far, they have refused. Only small numbers have gone out to obey Me all over the world. Therefore, they shall be severely punished. They will be rounded up and put into prison camps. Churches will be closed and outlawed, and My people shall fear for their lives for so far, they have refused to obey Me en-masse. So therefore, I still call you to go out into all the world and preach My Gospel, My son. Go into all the world where few have ventured, and make disciples of all nations. Your LORD has spoken, My son. Amen and amen forever!”