Oh Orlando! City Of Sin, Forever Disappeared! Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 12:26 No.499 del
Oh Orlando! City Of Sin, Forever Disappeared!

“My son, I hate this place. Walt Disney World is an abomination, My son. Mickey Mouse and all related characters is what people worship in their hearts, especially the children. They crave idolatry and all related wickedness; vanity is deep within their hearts; it must be craved; they must have it; they lust after it. That’s why they come to places like this: Orlando is an abomination in My sight; it is pure vanity, wickedness that will vanish in the night under My wrath. Oh, how its days are numbered; it will be but a memory in the night, My son, vanished under My wrath and stern displeasure. A flash shall make it disappear— a nuclear flash, and it shall be gone instantly, as a vision in the night, and all its vanities shall disappear forever! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”