Prophetic Word To Preach My Gospel My People Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 13:14 No.500 del
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Prophetic Word To Preach My Gospel My People

"Save My people, My son. I have called you to do that. Many are perishing around the world and in your country. They do not know what to do- the Word is not preached unto them. How will they know unless someone goes and preaches the message of salvation unto them? Otherwise they will go to Hell, and you will be responsible because you knew the truth of the Gospel but did not tell them, My son. How will they hear unless a preacher is sent? Go into all the world, My son, and share My Gospel with the masses. Few will go, I send you. They must be warned, how else will they avoid eternal damnation, My son? The harvest certainly is great, but few will go- they prefer the comforts of home to sharing My eternal Gospel among the nations. Oh how My anger burns against My lazy and worthless people who will not share My Gospel! They shall enter eternal Hell forever, My son! Do not think your 'Fire Insurance' is covered: you have to do My will on Earth to enter My eternal Heaven. 'Well done My faithful servant,' is what I say to My people who have finished their course and finished My plan for their lives. They shall enter eternal Heaven. As for the rest who are too lazy to do My will for their lives- those worthless and lazy servants shall enter eternal Hell forever, My son! My wrath burns against those wicked servants of Mine! I call all My people to preach the Gospel, My son. Finish My Great Commission and you will be greatly rewarded forever, My son! Your LORD has spoken. Obey Me My son. Amen."