PROPHECY- My Son, I Love My Satanists! They Must Be Saved! Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 19:27 No.504 del
My Son, I Love My Satanists! They Must Be Saved!

“Satanists are my enemies, My son. They will endure the Lake of Fire forever, My son. They must be warned. They have fell for the deceit of Satan, lies from the beginning that he uses on everyone. Most fall for the Devil’s trap, thinking that they are gods one way or another according to the deceit of their minds, which he implanted in them. The Devil is a very sneaky Devil, subtle at all times in the deceit of their minds. Many fall for it, that’s why I came to destroy the works of the Devil in their minds and souls, as well as in their bodies. You see, I can heal all. Nothing is too hard for Me, My son. I Am Jesus Christ, the Living Son of God, alive forevermore! Nothing is too hard for Me, even resurrection, healing the minds and souls, as well as the bodies of all oppressed by the Devil. You see, I even love and heal those who fight against Me, Satanists and sinners everywhere. You see, it makes no difference what you are before Me, for all have sinned and come short of the glory, Satanists and all. It makes no difference who they are, for I Am no respecter of persons. All can come before Me for healing and deliverance, restoration of the soul, and forgiveness of all sins, for I Am the Living Son of God, alive forevermore! All who come to Me I will restore and deliver from the works of the Devil in their lives, it makes no difference. All who serve My arch-enemy Satan can come to Me for healing and deliverance of the soul. It makes no difference who comes to Me, the Living God, for I came for all, Satanists included. So repent before it is too late, for the times is short, and I Am coming back soon! Thus says the Living Son of God, alive forevermore! Amen, My son.”