Chef 06/19/2023 (Mon) 12:44 Id: fbef6d No.250 del
(697.51 KB 2080x1170 Meat-free Monday....jpg)
Steak done! Oh man, oh deary me. Haven't touched a single piece of cow at all this year! So this is simply Heaven, even if the meat is a cheap 'economy' cut (rib fillet $20/kg). Served with a hearty red-wine/mushroom/shallot/garlic/Worcestershire/ketchup/mustard pan sauce and a dish I've never done before, 'fondant potatoes'. Think roast spuds drowned in butter and broth, seasoned with rosemary and thyme (fresh if ya got it. I didn't.) It's hard to make a plate of brown stuff look good, especially when no fresh green stuff to garnish the plate.