Chef 01/04/2023 (Wed) 10:16 Id: 8cf631 No.65 del
>even small pantries suffer waste because they don't open things in the order they were bought

When I buy wholesale foods I come back home and start labeling each package and can by date purchased to keep track of what is older and what is newer. Then I place the newer purchased stuff in the back and older stuff gets pushed to the front, older often rotated into cabinets from my "food inventory" (shelving units with lots of canned foods and totes). Totes are all organized too, beans in one, rice in another, pasta in another one, etc.

As for
>You can get condensation inside a storage vesles if it's air tight and the temperature drops. This cycle repeats over and over until absorbent foodstuffs like oats start to rot, the rotting creates a deoxygenated environment, very bad things grow in a deoxygenated environment.

That is good to know. Thankfully the totes I have are not airtight, they are just there to keep out pests like rodents and bugs. My "food inventory" is actually stored in the basement where it is kept cooler all year round. When I stock more in my cabinets upstairs I do it with all the older foods I bought, marked by date of purchase.

Another thing some preppers may not know is not all expiration dates are very accurate. Some canned foods I have tested myself can stay good for years after the expiration dates. I once had organic canned soup that was 10 years old, decided to cook it and it tasted just fine. I ate it and did not have any problems. Note that this is NOT the case with crap like SPAM, which an 8 year old expired can once gave me horrible diarrhea after taste testing. I won't buy that crap anymore anyway, too unhealthy and loaded with chemicals.

>The eggs are actually in the goods when you buy them so infestations are hard to control.

I find tiny bugs in rice but like you said, I let the rice settle in water for a while, they float to the top and I filter them out. Plus having a few tiny bugs in there won't kill you anyway. Humans eat a lot worse crap that is processed today.