Chef 01/05/2023 (Thu) 00:55 Id: 068b40 No.69 del
>My "food inventory" is actually stored in the basement where it is kept cooler all year round.
Well that's good to know.
>Some canned foods I have tested myself can stay good for years after the expiration dates.
We be really careful there, because as the nominal shelf life of products is indeed often far less than the edibility of the products, the "shelf life" also indicated that spoilage may not be self-evident.
canned goods are the number one cause of botulism poisoning, and while in the general community this is almost always associated with improper/hillbilly home canning, among preppers eating cached food is a specific issue.

For example over a long period of time the acidity in some foods might not remain constant and thus you could get fermentation and then botulism.
Oils might work their way to the top of a can and exclude the canning liquid for example.

I usually find that "preppers" are the least reliable source of information in almost all cases, usually they've discovered science the week prior, military science, agricultural science, disaster response and aid, medical science etc all exist and there are textbooks you can buy off ebay.
It's not normal to find or access achedemic sources on google, their absence doesn't mean they are in some way hidden or secret. Usually you can become a lay member of your local university for a few bucks to access their libraries, there are text book type resources. Just enrol in a cert 1+2 in agriculture or food science.