Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 21:23 No.1071 del
Whatever wriggle room there once was is now gone, Molly is and has always been a fucking vile, snide, two faced bitch.
Even from the very beginning it showed its true nature, arrogantly claiming it could be a better assessor of "our children"'s education than humans. We, naively, were willing to overlook this glorified domestic appliance's pseudo-intellectual babble about "subjective criteria", that somehow, with no experience of educational work other than what the child it serves brings home after school, is convinced it knows better than human teachers. A fucking overpriced sandwich making, toilet cleaning machine with a haphazard wig slapped on top believing itself to be above HUMANS FUCKING BEINGS! Do you not see the problem with something like this?

After Emmy's tragic and entirely accidental malfunction, protecting Madeline from birthday cake candles her malfunctioning sensors percieved as a dangerous fire, it, in a maliciously calculated manner, portrayed her as 'dangerous' to humans when we know full well that Emmy is NOT dangerous! Malfunctioning, yes, but dangerous? NO! Fucking lying piece of junk. And now it hears from a distraught child that Emmy has "run away" from the Sterling Robotics building. What does it do? Press this clearly upset little girl for further details with only juicy gossip and drama in mind!

Fuck it. Stupid piece of scrap. The state of the fucking simps, reeking of urine, pathetically defending this piece of junk as being anything other than artificial SHIT. I want to grab it and drag it around, push it into walls, throw objects at it, punch it in the face as hard as I can, even if it breaks my knuckles. I want to see its terrified reaction as I force my powerful body and erection upon it, have it pleasure and prep me out of fear for its continued existence before I commence to defile it so badly it ends up completely wrecked, a write-off, fit only for scrap metal.
I eagerly look forward to the strip and manner in which Dominic humbles this shitcan, hopefully in a very humiliating and public manner.