Anonymous 08/14/2019 (Wed) 22:56:17 No.205 del
<The scene now changes to that of a cute shota wizard walking down the hall looking at some pieces of paper he has plans to pass down to the fire chief. Dramatic piano music also plays in the background that seemingly only the viewers can hear.
<As the shota is pre-occupied with his papers he accidentally collides with one of the other males in the station. Both men grunt in minor pain as they stair each other down
>"Watch where you're going, fag boy!"
<The camera does an ultra close up of the shota's face.
>"Why don't you get fucked! Every alp in the station has already had a piece of your ass!"
<The other male closes in on the shota when his alp bf gf holds him back.
>"Hey! Hey! Cameron! The chief's right there! Ok?"
>"Come on honey don't you wanna fuck me in the ass."
<His alp gf is trying to calm him down to prevent a fight from breaking out
>"Shut up fuck head!"
<Cameron snaps at his alp bf
>"And you! You better watch yourself dude! Because you are fucking playing with fire with me. Lets go"
<Cameron points to assert his dominance then him and his alp gf walk off
<The scene now cuts back to the fire chief and her sister resuming their conversation
>"Well, what I'm trying to say is... sis... it's me! I wanna talk to you about me, sis."
<Bay cocks her head in confusion as she did not expect the conversation to take this turn

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