DumpsterDigger 01/31/2024 (Wed) 10:41 Id: fbc4db No.489 del
A dump is not a request for content or material, a dump is a shared archive of content and material.
The main goal of a dump is to make it harder for some informations to get completely censored and erased, by cross-saving. (it's by concept similar to peer to peer downloading, but on an imageboard)
Who starts a new dump must also fill it up with everything they have about it.

A good dump has most or all of there characteristics:
1) the dump is about something you want others to see or know about
2) the dump is about something you don't want to be lost over time
3) the dump theme must be specific, narrow, precise, not broad, not vague
4) the dump content must be rare: either because it's hard to come by, or because it's commonly censored everywhere else
5) the dump content must be redpills: informations which help destroy illusions and deceptions
Edited last time by niggerglownigger on 01/31/2024 (Wed) 10:53.