Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 10:26 Id: b5d4d8 No.1176 del
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>Too many don't realize kikes are a major problem.
And to be honest some of them think that just by having a nice muscle mass and well payed job even if it would mean selling yourself to zog will solve the mess in which we are and scream on anyone that points out that also a strong nerve and realizing what jew is, is necceseary to achieve anything like we had not simmilar thing in first world war and how british zog conquered germany by propaganda and not better training

Considering the picture deeper i fear that NS is heading into point of being a some kind of fashion philosophical lifestyle (simmilar to "new rome" sentence or the old ways of greek philosophers) focusing rather than world concept of blood and soil. Yes sort of self improvement is part of NS but not the main point and main concern or the boomer pull yourself by your own bootstraps and clean your own room poison
Nice mass is useless if someone has no nerves i never ever saw in history whom ended well discarding morsle and mental factors of strenght