Anonymous 12/08/2019 (Sun) 05:40:54 No.101 del
Well then I'm not a real libertarian, only a semi-libertarian
>preventing your local industry from growing through exports
Local industry is only required for satisfying local demand.
Trading with other countries, especially large countries, just makes you dependent on them. They can threaten to stop trading with you and then you're fucked unless you listen to their demands.
I would like my country to be self sufficient in all important aspects. For example: food, industrial equipment, automotive, electronics, energy, household appliances, clothing, military, and all that shit. Not having industry to supply your own people is the most pathetic state a country can be in, because it means that you can never upset other countries (like, for example, China) or risk a big upset to your supply chains. It also creates jobs and shit, unlike in shithole countries where the minimum wage is super high, nobody wants to work in a factory, and so they import all their shit from china to "save money" which kills local industry. Look what happens to Australia's automotive industry: it died because everyone wanted high wages and so importing other countries' cars became cheaper than paying the workers, so they lost their jobs. You can have either free imports or high wages, pick one.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I want isolationism. Totally free market within the country, but restricted market between the country and other countries.