Anonymous 12/09/2019 (Mon) 08:41:25 Id: f9c1a5 No.113 del
>Majiayao Odal
I had no idea about this one. This is really quite interesting.

>Agreed, although the Nazi association could actually be useful. It takes a strong will to rally around a symbol you have been taught to hate, and defiantly doing so would create a strong sense of group solidarity. It would also scare away larpers and opportunists, as they won't want their reputation tarnished with Nazi imagery.
That is definintely true. But there are two things that any movement absolutely needs if it is to even approach success. The first is financial backing, and the second is personnel. Hapas are already a very small group, compared to most races. My estimate is that there are between 1.5 and 2 million Hapas alive today, and more than half of those are minors. What this means is that every last man is valuable. Nazi imagery would indeed turn many, many Hapas away from the movement, but, Hapas already being so few in number, how many men would that leave us with? Further, few Hapas would be willing to donate anything or financially support us.

I think what could work is that we have an inner, esoteric movement which controls a larger, exoteric movement. Those Hapas who, as you described, are not frightened off by swastikas or talks of a Hapa ethnostate we can allow to join the inner movement, which shall be more secretive. But the outer movement could be more normie-friendly, and more focused on organizing and amassing large amounts of personnel and capital. In this way we can "fish" for men who would be particularly loyal to the Hapa movement, while at the same time gaining support and financial backing.

>Do you mind if I ask which one, just out of interest?
Pharmacy. I Haven't decided on a specific subfield yet but might be leaning in the direction of hospital work.

>The only thing that worries me is the correlation between IQ and neuroticism.
Yes this is the other side of the coin. Many studies have confirmed that Hapas and other mixed-race groups have higher rates of mental illness. This is just something we as a race are going to have to deal with, just as the Japanese have to deal with having higher rates of colon cancer. Eventually it can be removed from the genepool using careful eugenics or some advanced gene therapy.