Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 01:07:13 Id: eee0b3 No.116 del
>I think what could work is that we have an inner, esoteric movement which controls a larger, exoteric movement.
>In this way we can "fish" for men who would be particularly loyal to the Hapa movement, while at the same time gaining support and financial backing.
I like the sound of this. We can stratify the group and move individuals closer to the center as they prove their loyalty. Top down support networks provide useful connections and services for the members, while funneling wealth and influence to the inner circle.
It actually reminds me of how some existing communities already operate, such as the Amish or the Hasidic Jews. Their own community leaders own the land and run the institutions for the group. So while they technically live under liberal democracies, their de-facto government is a patriarchal theocracy.
>Pharmacy. I Haven't decided on a specific subfield yet but might be leaning in the direction of hospital work.
What's that like? Is the demand very high, or is that a meme?