Anonymous 12/10/2019 (Tue) 06:36:47 No.126 del
Import taxes don't do anything. They just rise the price of imported products but not enough to incentivize local production, and they also make the government dependent on imported goods.
My policy would encourage local development, because imagine if you were a guy in the hapa ethnostate who saw that all toilet paper (for example) was imported. You could make lots of money if you started a toilet paper manufacturing business because you would have guaranteed demand: people would be required to buy your products unless you ran out of stock, in which case imports could be used to fill the gap.
Here I see a problem. Someone could set the price of their non-imported goods to be really high. In this case, another separate person could see: "Look this guy is ripping everyone off, if I start my own toilet paper manufacturer I can eat into his market share" and the price would normalize.
>if you ban imports of goods that are expensive to produce locally, then you will stifle the growth of your economy by spending more resources on production than necessary.
No it won't. It will create jobs in the sector of industry responsible for producing that stuff. Yeah you might be able to get cheaper shit by buying stuff from china, but as we have clearly seen in western countries, this model does NOT work in the long term. It lets wealthy boomers conserve their money by buying low quality garbage but it makes it hard to get a real job, and instead people are scrambling for useless jobs like mcdonalds and walmart, which don't contribute to society in any meaningful way.

I also had another separate idea, which I haven't thought fully about and don't know whether it will work. The currency for the hapa ethnostate shouldn't be backed by gold or whatever useless lump of metal, but neither should it have a completely arbitrary value. Instead, its value should be defined by the minimum wage, i.e. the minimum wage is just defined as $1/hr, and that's what sets the value of the currency. The value of one dollar is one hour of unskilled work.