Public Service Announcement for all Hapas Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 05:54:25 Id: ba8b9e No.14 del
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This is the first thing you need to learn if you want to truly understand what it means to be a Hapa. Some have already learned this over multiple years of experience. This post is for those who have not.

Firstly, you are neither White nor Asian, nor are you both. Sure you might say you are 'biracial', but this is a misnomer. You might point to your 23&me report or whatever and say, "it says right there 50%", but that too is a falacy. In reality, a person can't really have more than one race. Any claim we Hapas might make that we are 'multiracial' is dubious in light of the simple fact of the matter, that our own ancestors of EITHER side would not be able to recognize us. How can you claim to belong to even one of those two races, let alone both?

Even if we decide to forgo any discussion of genetics and biology whatsoever, then ask your White friends whether they think you are White. Chances are they will say no. They will either see you purely as some kind of mutt, or else no different from a full Asian. Then go ask your Asian friends whether they think you are Asian. They will give you the same answer. In fact they're even less likely to welcome you as a racial brother than a White would. And here's another thing: even if they did welcome you as a member of their racial 'club', your membership would still be contingent. If one of your Asian friends had to pick between you and a full Asian guy who was the 'most Asian', you have a zero percent chance of getting picked. And same story on the White side. Regardless, they don't see you as one of their own, and never will. Why even try to fit in with them, when they never will truly welcome us as one of their own?

The second thing you need to learn is this: no matter what society you decide to live in, no matter what country, it will be exactly the same. If you want to live in a White society, the Whites will never fully accept you as one of them, you will always be at best a second-rate member. And if you decide to live in an Asian society, you guessed it, same thing. Asians are even less open to the 'diversity and inclusion' crap that brings tears to the eyes of white libcucks. Even if you speak their language, they will still see you as an outsider. Why is this? Because every human on the planet has the natural tendency to give preference to members of their OWN RACE. You are not, and never will be, the same race as them.

So don't make the mistake of fooling yourself. The only race we have is each other.