Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:17:57 Id: 782acb No.20 del
(57.73 KB 333x500 8748416846.jpg)
>muh korean expatriate mum
>muh military base/ketball american dad
I belive correct term for your kind is mixed race but absolutely not Eurasian.
If one of your ancestor is chinese/japanese and another european and you live in USA, that not make you Eurasian. You never been in Eurasia. Not ethnically, not historicaly, not mentaly you do not belong to Eurasia and don't represent any of Eurasian ethnicities.
Finnish and Hungarians do, they are belong to Eurasian legacy. Anglos, jews, hispanics, negroes, samoans, koreans, whoever the fuck you are, you may call yorrself europeans, asians, blacks, whites, colored, halves, mixes, la luz extinguidos - whatever, but you are not Eurasians.