Anonymous 11/26/2019 (Tue) 05:38:00 Id: 9596f3 No.34 del
>If even a small percentage of us gathered in one country we would form quite a sizeable and influential minority. We could find a place where our racial aptitudes and most prevalent skill-sets would be in high demand, then start building an irl community.
I think the best way to do this would be to set up IRL communities near places which already have sizeable amounts of Hapas, and have these various branches managed by a single global organization. That way more Hapas would be able to participate without having to move too far. Good choices might include somewhere on the west coast, maybe in Oregon or Washington, somewhere on the east coast, maybe Hawaii as well. In Asia, Hong Kong and Shanghai come to mind (these cities have the longest history of Europeans, and thus Hapas). I don't know much about Europe, but I'm sure there are some fellow Hapas over there too.

We could just do what other races have done as diaspora: buy up property that is close in proximity to each other. Or, with enough capital, construct our own communities from scratch. I remember a while back there was talk of a ton of Hapas moving to the Kamchatka peninsula because its low population, which we could replace with only a few tens of thousands of Hapas.

Of course, all of this requires starting capital, which is why right now I'm working on getting my life in order, getting a decent job and fincances, etc. It also requires us to build a network of Hapas who are willing to work together.