Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 06:27:22 Id: e6de8e No.45 del
The problem is that every other people on this planet more or less came about in an organic way, i.e. descent from and differentiation from an ancestral group. The same applies to their languages. Hapas are unique in that we came about from the convergence of two ancestral gropus, rather than the divergence of one.

>starting a new culture from scratch. All of them had a myth of their own origins.
It's unprecedented, of course. But so are Hapas. Throughout all of history and even today, Hapas were and are atomized and isolated. Even today most Hapas will not identify with one another, much less claim any kind of racial solidarity with one another. The change we must seek in order to establish Hapas as our own racial/ethnic group must involve some kind of culture. My personal opinion is to take certain facets of European and East Asian cultures and combine them, while also focusing on the similarities between the two (there are MANY, I have studied this for a long time). But we must also make sure that the result is neither European nor East Asian, but something completely unique, because WE are neither European nor East Asian, but something else entirely.