Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 14:00:02 Id: eee0b3 No.52 del
(402.92 KB 1280x1280 Ayahuasca-Initiation-1.jpg)
>Hapas are unique in that we came about from the convergence of two ancestral gropus, rather than the divergence of one.
I'm pretty sure this has already happened in South and Central America. They don't have any problem invoking a Catholic saint within a native ritual, or with honoring ancestors from before their racial blending. Many of the Central Asian groups mentioned by OP must have also undergone a racial mixing process at some point in the distant past.
>My personal opinion is to take certain facets of European and East Asian cultures and combine them, while also focusing on the similarities between the two (there are MANY, I have studied this for a long time).
Can you elaborate more on this? What are the similarities that most people miss?