Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 21:41:13 Id: 2f93e8 No.57 del
>Can you elaborate more on this? What are the similarities that most people miss?
A major fundamental similarity appears in traditional religion (i.e. pre christianity). Both Indo Europeans and East Asians worshipped the sky as a primary all-powerful deity (capital g God). Even in modern Asian languages the word for sky is used as another word for God (ex Chinese Tian). The Altaic steppe dwellers worshipped Tengri, and this is more or less analogous to the IE god Dyeus Phter (i.e. Zeus, Jupiter, etc), another sky deity. I wouldn't be surprised if that IE root were distantly cognate with the Tengri and Tian of eastern religion. Both races also worshipped ancestors as gods, such as founders of a certain dynasty or lineage. Also both races had the custom of building huge tumuli to bury the dead kings, and believed hills, mounds, mountains, etc. to be holy sites (ex Chinese Taishan, Greek Olympus, etc). Both races have also always been highly patriarchal and patrilinear. This all compared to most races at the time which were matriarchal and earth-goddess-worshippers. In language, Altaic languages very much resemble the ancient proto-IE language, which was verb-final and headword-final.

I can go on but those are the basics. Also a race's choice of primary deities more often than not determine much of the customs and social practices of that race.