Anonymous 09/14/2019 (Sat) 06:57:12 Id: 28903f No.7 del
This is excellent, anon.

>Are you guys willing to come over after it's done?
I definitely am, though it may take longer to reach a decent level of activeness compared to clearnet sites. Have you been recruiting on other online Hapa communities?

>Also, I never got a chance to visit your board on 8chan before it got shutdown. What is your general ideology?
8chan's original /euzn/ board was filled by a few right-leaning Hapas who came from /pol/, including me. The board owner later decided to move the board to, but then went MIA; shut down sometime afterwards. I took over the board to revitalize it, but that was only about a month before the whole site got shoah'd. As for a general ideology, as I said before, right-leaning and focused on the promotion of a unique Eurasian/Hapa identity as opposed to trying to find some kind of equilibrium between White and Asian.