Anonymous 12/05/2019 (Thu) 13:34:23 Id: eee0b3 No.85 del
Thank you for your help. I downloaded the pdf to study in more detail.
>Many think that it was Aryan Buddhism that brought the swastika to East Asia, but the symbol had actually been there much longer. It comes from observing the Big Dipper rotate about Polaris, the Dipper with Polaris forming an L shape, which, repeated four times radially, generates a swastika.
I was aware of Ursa Major forming the Swastika, but must admit to being one of those who thought it was introduced to Asia by the Buddhists. Do you have any pre-Buddhist sources for it?
>The choice of four is not insignificant either, as it corresponded to four directions and four seasons. Those that worshipped Heaven placed heavy importance upon the movement of celestial bodies in order to calibrate their calendars.
>For instance, it is significant to note that both societies had a concept of a "warrior-scholar". It was the Greek Thucydides who said "The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
>We know the Chinese had the same line of thought, as their language actually had a word (士, shi) that refered to a man that possessed both warrior and scholar qualities. Later on the word lost its original meaning, however, and just came to refer to a "scholar" (as a social class).
This reminds me of a train of thought I had a while ago. It may just be a mad dream, but I'll post it anyway.
A lot of the Asians who move to the West and the Europeans who move to the far east are from the cognitive elite of their respective races. Many are highly educated, often in a demanding STEM field. Most Eurasians and mixed couples I have met have this sort of background. Given that mental abilities are heritable, at least in part, we are being genetically selected as a race for handling high technology. White and Asian abilities in these fields are already higher than any other population (Jews have higher IQ, but it's mostly verbal), and we are being bred from the best of both races.
Sometime in this century, space travel and off-world industrialization may become a real possibility. The people who can thrive in these harsh environments will be those with technical skills, low time-preference and high IQ. In other words, us. Even those who are not us will probably be mostly White and Asian, so any new colony will become Eurasian after a few generations.
As you pointed out, our ancestors worshiped Heaven, paid close attention to the stars and had a warrior-scholar spirit. They are the races who conquered every frontier on this planet up to this point. It's almost as if we are destined for outer space.