Anonymous 12/07/2019 (Sat) 09:20:47 Id: f9c1a5 No.89 del
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>I was aware of Ursa Major forming the Swastika, but must admit to being one of those who thought it was introduced to Asia by the Buddhists. Do you have any pre-Buddhist sources for it?
Although the actual Chinese glyph for swastika (卐) does not appear until long after Buddhism arrived, we still find the swastika on a number of ceramic artefacts from the Banshan and Majiayao neolithic cultures, both dating to around the time of the Chinese mythical Xia dynasty. However I do think it eventually was incorporated in pictographic Shang oracle bone script, except with a slightly altered shape (see 3rd picture, cross potent). This word is 巫 and basically means shaman. Why it would have ended up with the meaning of a religious office rather than the meaning of some kind of supreme god, I don't really know, but it did come from the same source. The swastika is, above all, a symbol used to represent the highest cosmic principle by peoples that worshipped Heaven, that it might have survived even in a religious sense is still quite significant. I think it would be an appropriate symbols for us Hapas to adopt today, of course provided people can get past the "MUH NAZEEEES" taboo.

>A lot of the Asians who move to the West and the Europeans who move to the far east are from the cognitive elite of their respective races. Many are highly educated, often in a demanding STEM field. Most Eurasians and mixed couples I have met have this sort of background. Given that mental abilities are heritable, at least in part, we are being genetically selected as a race for handling high technology.
>we are being bred from the best of both races.
This is an excellent point, and is definitely true in many cases. Most Hapas I have met IRL have been rather intelligent and involved in STEM fields. I myself am involved in a STEM field. What this means is that Hapas as a collective have extraordinary potential. Even if a small population of Hapas were assembled, those genes through which we inherited some of our parents' intelligence would already be the majority among that population, and would definitely appear in higher amounts than in equally-sized samples of either of our parent races, or any other race for that matter.

The aptitude for STEM and handling technology is a great advantage. It means that a Hapa community would be able to support itself using these means which are generally high-income. If off-world industy does become a thing in the future, I reckon Hapas would be able to thrive in that kind of economy, and potentially have higher access to raw materials from ventures such as astroid mining.