Anonymous 12/08/2019 (Sun) 01:47:35 Id: eee0b3 No.97 del
(77.90 KB 736x902 Majiayao_Odal.jpg)
>we still find the swastika on a number of ceramic artefacts from the Banshan and Majiayao neolithic cultures, both dating to around the time of the Chinese mythical Xia dynasty.
Thanks for turning me onto this. Just doing the right image searches brings up a lot of shared symbolism, with pic related being the most obvious example I found.
>I think it would be an appropriate symbols for us Hapas to adopt today, of course provided people can get past the "MUH NAZEEEES" taboo.
Agreed, although the Nazi association could actually be useful. It takes a strong will to rally around a symbol you have been taught to hate, and defiantly doing so would create a strong sense of group solidarity. It would also scare away larpers and opportunists, as they won't want their reputation tarnished with Nazi imagery.
>I myself am involved in a STEM field.
Do you mind if I ask which one, just out of interest? I'm not involved in a STEM field right now, but have previously studied Mathematics and worked in UI/UX development.
>Even if a small population of Hapas were assembled, those genes through which we inherited some of our parents' intelligence would already be the majority among that population
It would be a very strong bottleneck effect amplified by the fact that we have to start a new community in the first place, attracting frontiersman personalities. The only thing that worries me is the correlation between IQ and neuroticism.