Anonymous 02/14/2017 (Tue) 23:12:27 No. 137 del
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"Yeah" Ashley helped him out to the car, but seemed annoyed. They got in and started driving toward the hospital. Michael was sitting in the back, resting his head against the window. Emily was driving with Jessica in the passenger seat, and Ashley was in back with Michael.
"Think they'll be able to fix his balls?" Emily asked Jessica.
"Probably not" Jessica laughed. Ashley and Emily laughed with her.
"I don't know they might." Ashley said. "Maybe at least one." she laughed.
"Yeah maybe if he's lucky." Emily snickered.
"Are you scared Michael?" Emily asked. Michael didn't respond.
"I'll take that as a yes." Emily laughed.
They got to the hospital and helped Michael in. When he got in, they immediately took him back because of all the blood. The girls were left waiting there for an hour and a half and wondering what was going on.
"Jesus, what's taking so long?" Emily asked.
"Sex change surgery?" Jessica joked. The girls cracked up.
"Seriously, I can't wait here all day."
"Maybe we can ask somebody." Ashley suggested. Just then a female doctor came into the waiting room.
"Are you the family of Michael Jones?"
"Yes, he's my brother." Ashley said.
"Your brother had a serious dog bite to his genitals. His penis and one testicle were both damaged to the point where we can't repair them. There is a hospital in Chicago that does have an experienced urilogical team and state of the art technology. If you can find transportation for him, there's a chance they MIGHT be able to save his penis, but at this point we have no way to get him there with his insurance. So can somebody drive him there?"
The girls looked at Emily. "I can't, I have to pick up Chris."

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