Anonymous 02/15/2017 (Wed) 01:24:33 No. 143 del
(518.21 KB 1597x1896 Big-balls-2.jpg)
After lunch, Michael went to the bathroom. He went into a stall to look at the damage. He unzipped his pants. He knew his testicles were swollen, but he had been procrastinating looking out of fear. He was shocked to see his balls swollen to twice their size. They were sick dark greyish purple. His penis was just as bad, it was swollen and misshaped, all black and blue too. Fuck, I gotta go to the hospital…I'm so fucked. He thought to himself. He touched his dick, it was tender to the touch. His balls may as well have been on fire. Even the air seemed to hurt them. Michael closed his eyes. Anxious thoughts went through his head of being nullified. His heart raced. Ok, calm down Michael. Ashley's right. She's being a bitch but she's right. Everything's gonna be ok. Better to just go stick to the plan here, stay at the fair til 8, then go straight to the emergency room. He felt nauseous and a little dizzy. The underwear felt like sandpaper as he very gently pulled it back up. It was agonizing as he slowly zipped up his zipper. Michael hoped he would be ok and ventured out of the stall.
Outside the girls were getting bored. “God, what's taking him so long.” Ashley asked.

“I don't know, maybe I should sack tap him when he comes out.” Jessica said.

“Do IT.” Emily laughed.

Ashley laughed, “He's gonna be so pissed.”

Michael washed his hands, gathered his strength and headed out of the bathroom. When he left, he saw Emily and Ashley, but didn't notice Jessica who was waiting on the side of the door. Jessica zipped in and back handed Michael pretty quick and hard, right in the balls. For Michael, it was like getting struck by lightning. He collapsed to the ground again. His mind in a state of shock. All three girls burst into boisterous laughter yet again.

“That was awesome!” Ashley exclaimed. “Nice shot.” Michael was too embarrassed to express his anger to Jessica since he didn't know her as well, but he thought she was a fucking cunt for doing it.

“It's not funny.” Michael muttered.

“Yes…it definitely IS funny.” Ashley argued.

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