New Ownership Anonymous Board owner 11/04/2019 (Mon) 07:12:41 No.133 del
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Hello to anyone who might still be lurking on this board. Seeing as /fit/ is essentially dead here I thought I might take over and give it a go, so here I am.

I'm thinking of cutting the catalog size down quite a bit to ensure more interaction between users rather than having posts spread across many threads. Probably like 25 threads at most. Maybe even 10, or less.

I'm also making a captcha necessary per post. I feel that the non-botnet captcha here is not a big deal in terms of posting. If anyone reads this and feels otherwise feel free to let me know in this thread.

You may also email me at

I think my job now is to:

1. Clean up the board a little bit
2. Compile data and images from threads currently on the catalog and try to put them into a more comprehensive sticky thread
3. shill this board to see if I can attract users.

In addition to this I think a cyclical "talk" thread may be a good idea.

I'm pretty sure nobody is here anyway, but if you are give me some feedback and stick around, hopefully we can get something good going here.