YCH 08/12/2016 (Fri) 02:39:22 Id: 5104b8 No. 184 del
Although I almost always use a VPN when posting on imageboards because I don't trust my ISP, I guess I vaguely remember that issue. A quick search led me to this pastebin:
Any more info?

I know Jim making fishy decisions such as not releasing sauce code for 8chan. I don't remember other specifics, but all I know is that 8chan was getting fishy with Jim having more power, and the site has started to decline over the past few months.

I guess I couldn't get away from n8chan until this shitty spam.
I don't really know that many other places that are comparable. There is 16chan, which is run by josh, but it's even more dead than this place. u18 is back up, but it's certainly different than 8/furry/, considering the fact that content is divided into boards defined not defined by users.