Anonymous 04/23/2020 (Thu) 00:48:20 Id: 7fa05b No.138 del
leave 8kunt because it's run by a boomer who cares more about a letter than running a good site
>want to be a better /v/ without Mark's taint, both figuratively and literally
>proceed to obsess over him in nearly every thread
>accuse anyone who doesn't immediately insult cakekike of being one of his a/gg/ro goons
>get rid of ID's for no reason other than because it was Mark's idea
>raid the site that you left to prove that you're the definitely superior /v/
>allow cuckchan cancer memes to be posted everywhere because atleast it's not the incompetant kike
>bleed users due to the above reasons
>cakekike gets the boot from 8kunt over loli being banned and trying to make a backup behind Jim's back
>he then proceeds to make a /v/ on Fatchan, then deletes it after getting one on the animu bunker
>gets cucked out of the Fatchan /v/ by a spaghetti anon
>this new /v/ now has more PPH than Julay/v/ and more than half its userbase in less than a week