Anonymous 04/29/2020 (Wed) 20:54:55 Id: 283e89 No.141 del
Hey goys

Hope you are all well during this quaratine / stay at home time hopefully all of the USA opens before the end of May 2020 before we all go stir crazy and more protests...
For those of you with girlfriends or significant others how lucky..

Between the failure of (Hotwheels is a turncoat journalist now) and WuFlu/Coronavirus I am glad its fucking over
Fuck journalists and SPJ its was fake news every single day those White House press briefings
>Its a powerpoint slide
>imagine listening to Fauchi and Scarf Lady
>its a business exec /drug company exec

On the topic of IBS after finding out that /cow/ wasn't coming back on 8kun and reading kiwifarms (,remember Josh/Jewsh)
I watched a recent episode of TheRalphRetort I think he had Michelle Malkin on
Ralph's show sucks; his cohost sucks
I see Nora left his fat gunt ass good

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