Getting results WiseGod 05/30/2021 (Sun) 08:20:41 No.625 del
(474.22 KB 958x974 cosmic body.jpg)
>>580 >>597 >>605 >>615

I imagined 4 scenarios about what happen with the above meditation:
1) Some people didn't read it.
2) Some people read it but ignored it.
3) Some people read it and tried a little bit, but didn't go too far.
4) Congratulations to the people that did it well.

For people that have tried but didn't go too far (3): The key is to go fast and not slow.
Trying to go slowly, getting a firm small step to another clear small step, probably never, in a human lifetime, will get you an acceptable God of All way of thinking.
Too fast could lead to unclear results, but is the only human way that I know that may get something close to what God of All thinks. Also, it needs some practice/patience to get/reach it and then maintain/hold an acceptable level of God of All thinking capabilities is even more difficult.

Mystics have tried it for millennia.

Posted in the main website: