Endwall 07/05/2020 (Sun) 00:02:43 No.202 del
Zombies! - Z80 Assembler game for the RC2014
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kbHGosB1yDA [Embed]
NCOT Technology Jul 3, 2020

"I decided to improve my Z80 assembly skills by writing a game entirely from nothing for the RC2014 Z80 computer. I used SJASMPlus to compile the code, and it turned out quite nice. It's based on a BASIC type-in game I found in an old book called "The Rainbow Book of Basic Programs"

Support Me: https://ko-fi.com/ncot_tech
Github Link for code: https://github.com/ncot-tech/z80-zombies
Website Link: https://ncot.uk/z80-homebrew-computer "