Anonymous 07/29/2019 (Mon) 04:36:35 No.3470 del
Technically most things are not compromised per se. Rather they have the ability to be skewed by people "on call" for lack of a better term within these institutions. Now if you want to try and be a real estate magnate .your gonna have to be congruent with whatever the majority faction is. Specific things is hard to quantify because you can say youtube is comped. But there is still a lot of "problematic" conspiracy content on youtube. Video editing is not comped. I try not to think in such a limiting way. And if i do i always have it weighed against a propositional opposite that skeptics would define as reality.
The OP post of this thread is long winded and very much insane. But so is supposing every single eyeball motif is simply a generic graphic design thing.